Chronic tics and Tourette Syndrome are more common than people typically think.

About Tics
Tics are unwanted, repetitive sounds or movements that are difficult to control. Chronic tics and Tourette Syndrome are more common than people typically think and treatment for these conditions includes a combination of medication and behaivoral therapies.

TicHelper.com is an interactive, family-based program that utilizes the concepts of behavior therapy with the accessibility of the internet. With help, tics can be managed.

Read “About TicHelper.com” to see if this program is right for your family.
Role of Parents
While parents are not the cause of tics, they are certaily part of the solution.

TicHelper.com teaches parents specific strategies to assist children in managing tics, as well as ways to be supportive, helpful, and compassionate.

Utilizing TicHelper.com, parents will work with their children to track progress, practice using skills, and to change the family environment in positive ways.
Additional Resources