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Making life better for people with behavioral disorders.

PsycTech. is a privately held, minority owned company dedicated to the development of state of the art, web based products and services to help people improve their lives.

Since 2001, PsycTech, has been the world leader in developing and providing interactive, self-help programs for behavioral disorders. Through these programs, PsycTech, has changed the lives of thousands of people in over 40 countries around the world.

“Our goal is to bring effective behavioral self-help programs into the homes of people who otherwise would not have access to treatment. Therapy can be expensive, and sometimes people live in areas where they do not have access to professionals with expertise in treating their particular behavior. PsycTech has always had to goal of reaching people who, without us, could not get the help they need.”

Suzanne Mouton-Odum, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Vice President, PsycTech, Ltd.
About was developed from funding provided by the National Institute of Mental Health, 2R44MH096344-02.

The principals of PsycTech, Ltd., Suzanne Mouton-Odum, PhD and Robin Reamer, PhD served as principal investigator and co-investigator for this project.