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How much does this program cost?
The fee for is $149.99 for the eight-week program. Once you have registered and entered your credit card information you will have eight weeks to work through the program. At the end of eight weeks you will have an option to continue using the program as a monthly subscription.
How long will it take to work the program? is designed to teach your child how to manage tics and to teach you how to be a supportive parent throughout this process. While the program duration is eight weeks, some children work more quickly and others more slowly. The rate at which you and your child progresses through the program depends on your commitment to work the program daily and practice using the skills.
Who is this program for? My child or me? was designed for children from the age of eight years through late adolescence. It can be worked together in a parent/child team or an older adolescent may choose to work the program independently. Even if the adolescent chooses to work through the program alone, we highly recommend parents be involved as there is a significant amount of information and strategies for adults that will assist the child in learning to mange tics more effectively. Managing tics is difficult and every age child needs support.
How can I be sure this program is right for my child or me?
Sometimes children with tics also present with other problems that need to be addressed before working on the tics. It is common for children with tics to also experience other conditions. In fact, the other conditions may present in severe forms and be more disruptive to your child. Before getting started, we need to learn more about your child to determine if this is the right time to work the program. During the registration process you will be asked to answer some questions to help you make this decision.
How much time each day is required to work the program?
After you register for you will be asked to identify and provide information regarding your child’s tics. This should take approximately 30 minutes. After the initial set up time the amount of time you will spend on the program will vary from 10 to 20 minute each day. Of course, you are not required to log on each day, but we highly recommend it. The more you and your child practice, the more you both will learn about managing tics!
How will the charge show up on my credit card?
The fee on your credit card statement for will appear as PsycTech, Ltd. Questions concerning charges can be directed to
Will I be interacting with a therapist while using the program?
No, the was built to interact with you based on your input into the program. In other words, the program is tailored to assist your child with the specific tics that are problematic to him or her. Each person working will experience a unique and individualized program that will adjust to his or her specific needs.
How do I cancel my extended subscription?
If you are paying a monthly fee, than it means you are under an extended subscription. Otherwise, you are not under a subscription and the program will cancel when your program ends.

To cancel your extended subscription first navigate to the dashboard and click your profile name in the top left corner.

Cancel Sub Img Dashboard

This will open the profile menu. Here click on the "Manage Account" link in the top right corner.

Cancel Sub Img Profile Menu

On the Manage Account page click the cancel link next to the Status label. This will pop open an alert message to confirm if you want to cancel your subscription.

Cancel Sub Img Manage Account

Click "Yes" in the alert message to cancel your subscription. Once clicked your subscription will be canceled immediately.

Cancel Sub Img Manage Account Alert

When successfully canceled your status will now say "canceled".

Cancel Sub Img Status